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National Tooth Fairy Day!

Twice a year, on February 28 and again on August 22, we celebrate National Tooth Fairy Day! Perhaps this day was created as a gentle reminder that the American Dental Association recommends making dental cleaning appointments twice a year? Either…

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Frisco Kids Dentistry stop thumb sucking habit

How to end your child’s ‘sucking habits’

Sucking is a natural reflex! Newborns start life with a sucking instinct to seek food or comfort, some even suck on their fingers while in the womb. While some infants are satisfied through feedings, it is normal behavior for babies…

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Drs Rubin & Sentelle explain why kids need to floss

Do kids need to floss?

Yes, flossing should be part of everyone's dental hygiene routine! Typically when toddlers have two teeth touching, it's a good time to add flossing to the daily brushing routine. Here's some pro flossing tips from doctors Rubin and Sentelle... who…

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