National Tooth Fairy Day!
Twice a year, on February 28 and again on August 22, we celebrate National Tooth Fairy Day! Perhaps this day was created as a gentle reminder that the American Dental Association recommends making dental cleaning appointments twice a year? Either…
Vitamins kids (and parents) need for healthy teeth and gums
We all know brushing and flossing are key components to good oral hygiene, but did you know the nutrients you get from food can play a significant role in the overall health of your mouth, teeth, and gums? Unfortunately, because…
How to end your child’s ‘sucking habits’
Sucking is a natural reflex! Newborns start life with a sucking instinct to seek food or comfort, some even suck on their fingers while in the womb. While some infants are satisfied through feedings, it is normal behavior for babies…
Do kids need to floss?
Yes, flossing should be part of everyone's dental hygiene routine! Typically when toddlers have two teeth touching, it's a good time to add flossing to the daily brushing routine. Here's some pro flossing tips from doctors Rubin and Sentelle... who…
How often should kids visit the dentist?
Research has shown that if a child receives four preventative visits before the age of three years old, early childhood cavities are greatly reduced.
Avoid Sugar Monsters this Halloween
We want your kiddos to have a faBOOlus Halloween, while keeping those Sugar Monsters at bay!
Why are baby teeth important?
Dr. Rubin and Dr. Sentelle take a few minutes to answer questions about baby teeth: